Ghost Stories
Our trip to Gettysburg PA, was both Amazing and Awe Inspiring!
The men that faught and died there was just an overwhelming thought! And as far as ghostly activity... YES, there is a
lot of it to be found! We got amazing pitures of ecto.One was at the Gettysburg Hotel and the other was at Sach's Bridge.(
They are on the pictures link to the left). We got pictures of lights in the darkened fields. ( It was pitch black). And
no one was around us at the time . We were completely alone way after dark, we were at a field called Triangular Field.
When we got there and entered the gates to the field. As we walked down its path we felt cold spot after cold spot! It was
like walking in to walls of cold. It was, mid to the upper 80"s outside. The cold spots felt like about 40 to 50 degrees
out. The weird thing about them was, if you took one little step to the right or left it was gone! But go back to that spot
it was there! They seem to be about 3 to 4 feet apart from each other. They went all the way down to the end of the field
near the woods.( If it was the wind you would feel it all the way down, not every so often and in that excat spot. If you
moved inches you did not feel it). We also got two EVP'S ( Recordings) of echoing gun shots. When none was heard with our
own ears. Nor was there anyone around us at the time. And no re-enactment was going on at the time either.
Gettysburg is an amazingly powerful place for our spirit friends.
These men that were heroes want to be remembered. And show them self in all kinds of ways to us there. I would hope everyone
can some day visit there. To maybe see or feel the Heroes of our Civil War. Or to just stop and take the time
to, remember and give honor for what they did for us there all them years ago.
One day in passing I was talking to a Dr. in the Medical Field.
And the subject was ghost. I had asked him if he believed and his answer was "well I do now" He proceeded to tell
me his story. He said one night we were at a friends house for dinner with some other couples. And the topic was ghost,
some of the people that was there said they do not believe at all. While some said they did. And the owners of the house had
made the comment, "our house is haunted". With that came some chuckles and giggles. But as they talked, there was a plate
in the center of the table with crackers and cheese on it. The plate just lifted up and flew off the table and busted all
over. And the host said to their company I guess he did not like to be laughed at. They were all stunned. The Dr. told me
up untill that night he had not believed in ghost till he seen it with his own eyes.
This story is a bit scary, As my friend told the story this is
what happened. She had just moved into an apartment complex, she had meet her neighbor across the hall. The neighbors husband
had just died a few months before. She had always said she loved her husband lots but, he was a hard, mean man. So the neighbor
was just now getting around to getting rid of some of her husbands things. So my friend had taken from her a computer stand
and another lady in the building took a TV stand. Well now Our Fantasic Psychic Nicci is also a very good friend also of my
said friend. She had come to visit her that day and walked into her apartment. And she said "Where have you been today and
did you buy anything new"? now she had no idea of the computer stand at all. So my friend said "no not really, i just got
a computer stand from the lady across the hall, other then that I have been home all day". "Why"? she asked. Then Nicci said
"Well you brought something evil in with you, I can feel it". Now at this time of the discussion, a picture on Jesus that
she had on the wall, lifted up of its nail and fell to the floor. My friend just stood there and looked in shock.
So nicci said they had to get rid of the computer stand that
the husband was there with it and he had to go!!!!!! So they did take it out to the trash and came back and did a cleansing
of the house, and all was ok.
But........ A few days later the seen the other lady that
had gotten the TV stand. And in talking to the lady she said ,"This may sound weird but, for the past couple of days things
have been falling off my wall, and it is creeping me out"! Needless to say it was the husband he was in her house too
with the TV stand. So they too took the TV stand to the trash and did a cleansing on her apartment also. There has been no
more bad thigs that has happened since.
I will tell this next story word for word as I recieved it. This
story is from my nieces boyfriend. When I was 5 years old, I was asleep. I woke up sometime in the morning. When I looked
in front of me, I saw a man standing there, with a hat, he was very tall and looking back at me. I ran into my mom's room
and I stopped and he turned around and smiled. About a year later, my mom was dating some guy who used to abuse her.
One night, I was suppose to sleep in in my room bed, but he ( the guys she was dating) said no and made me sleep
on the couch. Later that night I woke up and he was being dragged across the apartment by his hair. I was then picked up and
I was just floating in the air, and placed next to my mother.
Afew years went by..... I was 8 or 9 years old.... Me and
my cousin was told to go down stairs and lock the door. We both went, and we heard a voice and it said, "Take my ring off).
We turned around and literally saw JUST a hand with a ring coming towards us. We both ran up stairs as fast as we could.
Another few years went by, my Aunt was living in a house.one
nite, me and my cousin heard things in the attic and noone was up there. we both decided to check it out and i saw the
most disturbing thing any human can see (getting the chills here); we both saw bodies in the attic but they were hung from
the ceiling. it was a very nasty site and we both stood there for a few seconds and ran down stairs.
When i was 15 yrs old, my mom was in her room and i was in mine,
i suddenly heard her talking to someone and i knew noone was in the house, nor did the phone ring so i opted to walk to check
it out...when i opened the door, she was laying there looking up and there he was again, the same guy that i saw when i was
5yrs old......he looked over at me and just smiled.......i asked my mom who he was and it was a man that she knew and that
she talked to from time to time and that he was our guardian angel. when i was 19yrs old, i called his name for like
2 months. my mom told me not to cause the person you're calling might not be him.......i got tired of calling his name
and one summer nite, i happen to wake up to a mans voice behind me. i was really scared so i didn't turn around but
the voice was saying; " I'm here, I'm here".......i was scared and sweating and never turned around....in 1992, my cousin
was killed and it was a murder. after he died one day at my aunts house, we noticed the picture frams on the TV were
being moved and the next thing i heard was my aunt say; carlos is here.........of course, i believed her........well, that's
it for now and if i know i'm missing something, i'll email you again...
Please look at our pictures page to see him at a family wedding,
He is my nieces boyfriend.
Please check back often as we continue to up date all the time.