E.C.G.C East Coast GhostHunters Club
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Contact Us

We're interested in hearing from you!

If you want us to do an investigation for you or have any questions concerning hauntings. Do you have comments , pictures or stories? Or would you like to become a member of our club? Please get in touch!
Nancy Markert Founder nancym2000@yahoo.com
Virginia Butler Founder butlerpom@yahoo.com
If you are in the North East Texas area you can e-mail
GhostGirl7 who is a member of our team and a Paranormal Investigator. She also is a member of The Pinewoods Paranormal Group In Texas Shortstuff5382@yahoo.com
If you are in the North East Missouri area you can e-mail
Corey who is a member of our team and a Paranormal Investigator
If you are in the North Central area of Connecticut you can e-mail
Derek Kalenkowitz who ia a member of our team and is a Paranormal Investigator
If you are in the Jacksonville North Carolina area you can e-mail Ignacio Valdes who is a member of our team and is a Paranormal Investigator
If you are in the Southern California area you can e-mail James Stratmann who is a member of our team and is a Paranormal Investigator,  Specializing in Ghost Hunts on the Queen Mary Ship In LA, California

We are located In New York state, In the Hudson Valley. We do how ever travel out of town or state to investigate. So feel free to contact us for any questions. And for members you don't have to be in New York or the East Coast.

Become a Member!

To become a member simply contact us via e-mail. 

Membership is free. And you don't have to be in New York or the East Coast to join.

If you have any questions we can help you with concerning spirits or hauntings e-mail us.
