If you want us to do an investigation for you or have any questions
concerning hauntings. Do you have comments , pictures or stories? Or would you like to become a member of our club? Please
get in touch!
If you are in the North East Texas area you can e-mail
GhostGirl7 who is a member of our team and a Paranormal Investigator.
She also is a member of The Pinewoods Paranormal Group In Texas Shortstuff5382@yahoo.com
If you are in the North East Missouri area you can e-mail
Corey who is a member of our team and a Paranormal Investigator
If you are in the North Central area of Connecticut you can e-mail
Derek Kalenkowitz who ia a member of our team and is a Paranormal
If you are in the Jacksonville North Carolina area you can e-mail
Ignacio Valdes who is a member of our team and is a Paranormal Investigator
If you are in the Southern California area you can e-mail James
Stratmann who is a member of our team and is a Paranormal Investigator, Specializing in Ghost Hunts on the Queen Mary
Ship In LA, California